Monday, December 23, 2013


What a day for football, it felt like summer. Actually it was a little too hot for football. All in all I guess I would rather be getting a tan than frostbitte.

My football buddy Sue Warren, owner of Sue's Cafe on Beach Blvd, near Southside, got me a field pass from a friend. It was good to be on the field with all the players and reporters etc. I met Sue years ago when she worked for the Cafe she now owns. She is a good friend of our whole family. When it appeared that I would not be able to drive Sue volunteered to pick me up and drive to and from the games. Thanks Sue.

One of the first observations I made from being on the field is the field now appears to be really big and the players are giants. When viewing from the stands the field and players look sort of small. Beleive me I felt like I was walking in the Land of Giants.

The first celebraty (locally that is) I saw was Jeff Lageman and sports announcer for Fox News channel 30 Brent Martineau.
. I made the decesion then to just talk to them instead of taking their photo. Beside Jeff was behind the net by the crossbar. I told him how I think he is really doing good in his online programs etc.
Later I got a chance to see Brent Martineau interviewing John Osher of the O-Zone head writer for  I also took this time to shake his hand and tell him what a good job he is doing. I love all the new media on the web site. Like I said before us fans need to be fed and is now doing it.

While standing in line waiting for the players to enter the field I accidently caught Shad Kahn on camera. Look fast he's at the very start of the video. Later he came back the same way and I got to shake his hamd and tell him he is doing good for us and Jacksonville. This time it was no accident I got his picture (at least from the chin down)  but I was more interested in looking him in the eye and shaking his hand. 
You know I have been a photographer since way back in the Navy but these new fangled camera phones I'm not use to, at least that's my excuse. 
Here is the O Line warm up  from the field they look like GIANTS. 
The man of the hours. Meester. 

The north end zone MY HOME today and next year. 

and the game?  oh yes.....WE LOST AGAIN. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Oh what a night it was, it really was!
Thursday Night Football and it brought back memories of when the Jags were a good team.
The most enjoyable game for quiet some time.

As well as all this and the Jags playing a great game.
I really had a good time. I also got to see some good friends that I use to sit behind for years. We always had a good time no matter what. They are nice people and I consider them friends and try to visit them every game. 
This is Kevin and Gara (pronounced like Sara)

and some of the other folks that sit with them, who I also remember fondly.

These folks and a lot of others from section 122 are another reason I go to the games. It's a game but it's also a social events for some of us. 


Ever the business man and progressive thinker (that be me)
Has come up with yet another earth shaking idea.  
You know how you hate to carry stuff around the stadium while trying to just enjoy getting samples and people watching? Well Mr. Kahn who reads this blog.....You think he gets all these great ideas by himself?  
Season ticket holders will have the first chance to add a LOCKER along with you ticket price and parking. I think somewhere around $10 per game or $100 per season.

Think of it no more worry about rain or cold or if you need sunscreen etc. Why think of it you could even keep your bathing suit in the locker.  Remember  the SWIMMING POOL IS COMING! 

I will let Mr. Kahn think it was his idea, but we all know who is the real brains behind this franchise. 

Here's how the lockers will look in some of the empty spots in the concourse.