Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's hot as heck here in Jacksonville all the way up to and including November sometimes. So why does the NFL or Jags Organization insist on selling us DARK clothing?  Is anybody awake?  We have had games where they had to open the ice bins so people didn't die of heat exhaustion. 
Now here's a real deal for $35 and just perfect for opening day when the temperature is sure to be in the 90's at least.

Hare a  links to show you the offerings that are out there as far as polo's go . I got so discussed with the plain design of the shorts and polo's etc that I went on line and ordered someAdia's  gear. They have good designs and there prices are slightly lower. So I don't have a Jags logo on my shorts, who cares? For $10 less I can do without a NFL or Jags logo. I guess if you are the NFL or a big league football organization you can sell bikinis to the Eskimos. But Mr. Business man you sure could make more money by giving the people what they want.
this for $35

this for %60
yes I know I really like this one too is only available in 4X isn't that enough to frost you?

I guess what is left for me is to grow some more hair on my arms and especially my back and wear a wife beaters shirt. NOT MY STYLE MAN.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Since there seems to be no real voice of the fans I have elected myself as the true and only voice of the fans.
The election was not even close. I won by a landslide. the people are with me and I plan to carry out their mandate. 


The first subject on my extensive research poll is the Jerseys.  Fans everywhere are shouting and screaming for the new practice Jerseys. WE THE PEOPLE LOVE THEM.

We know that they are blue instead of teal but that can be fixed easily. It's the design and the apparent comfortable open weave that would be perfect for the fans in the stands on those hot 106 degree September days.

But mostly it's the design. It's original and well thought out. We the fans want this to be the regular season Jersey and they can use the old jerseys for pratice or for rags. The regular season jerseys are plain almost to the point of being generic, and they are as Hervey as broad cloth. COME ON MAN! Let's start the new era with some class. Football uniforms need to have stripes and bars etc. 

If you think that THE VOICE  here is wrong I ask the Jags or BC / BS to offer up the practice jerseys for sale . they will out sell the regular plain Jerseys 2 to 1.  Remember THE VOICE is seldom wrong and the fans are with me including Felix of Fernandina Beach below as painted by my wife Jan Bloom (prints available by request)  Mr. Kahn maybe you want to buy the painting for your yacht?

watercolor original by Jan M. Bloom