Monday, September 9, 2013


Have you ever seen the air go out of a balloon so fast as it did yesterday?  It was unbelievable. We got a blocked punt in the first series and it looked like we were going to kick some butt. Then Go Go Gabbert came on the scene and it was down hill from there. Besides that the 2 points scored was the only score we had. I think we only had about 2 first downs.  So what have we bought into? A Lemon an Edsel(for you who are old enough to remember what an Edsel was. It is still to be determined what we are going to get.

There is one thing that NOBODY has bought into and that is the selling of Gabbert. I call him GO GO Gabbert because I wish he would go some where and try a different business. He is a thumb sucking cry baby that actually has as much guts as a little girl. Oh poor baby hurt himself. Go Go get out of here. Do really know of anyone who really thinks this guy is even a third stringer?  I'm not buying thank you very much. Get his eyes checked to see if he is color blind or maybe he keeps them closed when the pass rush comes. He use to cower so not maybe he shuts his eyes.

Everyone at the game was wishing it was 2014 and we had the swimming pool in the north end zone. It was murder as we knew it would be in the toaster bowl. I think I could smell flesh burning. I spent the whole second quarter under the fans and on the cold seats in the3 concourse by the firs aid station. A lot of people did the same. We were not missing anything on the field. Why the NFL doesn't do something about the 1o'clock games being played in the south is beyond me. There should only be 4 o'clock games or night games played in the deep south cities without domes. This makes sense to me. Think about the reverse of this, wouldn't it be better to play 1o'clock games in Green Bay and NY when the cold temp would be a little better than at 4 o'clock?  I guess it doesn't make sense because they go by another sense and that is market shares etc. We can only hope that someone gets the bright idea of changing times according to weather patterns. Huh?

OK now for the food vendors. Get real! You also had the preseason to get ready and you still can't do it right. What the heck happened to the BIG WATER bottles. Now all you can buy is the small ones. Not smart. Salted French Fries are a second half treat for me. I think the salt helps to keep me hydrated, but @ $5 I think it comes out to a little under 50 cents per fry. I was going to count them but I put ketchup on them before I got the idea. Best bet although more expensive is the bar in the Bud Lite Zone. Pulled Ck or Pork with baked beans...really good. Last year they had Ruben and I hope they bring that back.

I still have fun but I could have more fun on metal bleachers and cold sandwich if the Team was winning. Heck I would even sit on the grass if the team was playing good. So much for GAME DAY experience.



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