Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I probably watched my first game on TV back in 1954 on my uncles TV. We might of had one at home but it seldom worked. We watched the Browns because we lived in Ohio, but the best team at that time seem to be the Lions. This was football all the violence and mud and snow and just plain mean guys. Sort of like longshoremen in uniforms.
The coaches and the players cursed and chewed tobacco and spit on everything that didn't move and sometimes things that did move like opposing players. The coaches would slap the players upside their head for doing something wrong and didn't hesitate to bench them no matter how big a star they were. The coach was the boss and the players respected him.
The NFL has tamed football and to me has changed it to the point that it is to sanitized. The coaches now have to be diplomatic and talk like politician's so as not to damaged the reputation of the NFL or the owners. It wasn't that long ago that Ditka and other coaches still behaved like coaches of the old school so it hasn't been a long time since the change.
It sure would be refreshing to hear a coach or an owner tell it like it is just once. No cursing or that but just say the team stunk up the place or we hate those darn Cowboys. Let the front office relate to the fans for once....say something we want to hear , say "THE TRUTH" and don't white wash it.


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